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Shemos / Exodus: The Torah With Graphic Storytelling, Volume 9 Parashat Ki Tissa

執筆者の写真: 石川尚寛(Naohiro Ishikawa)石川尚寛(Naohiro Ishikawa)

Contents of all 11 volumes (this book is volume 11)

Volume 1 Parashat Shemot ( Exodus 1 : 1 - 6 : 1 )

שְׁמוֹת ― Hebrew for "names,"

The parashah tells of the Israelites' affliction in Egypt, the hiding and rescuing of the infant Moses, Moses in Midian, the calling of Moses, circumcision on the way, meeting the elders, and Moses before Pharaoh.

Volume 2 Parashat Va'era ( Exodus 6 : 2 - 9 : 35 )

וָאֵרָא ― Hebrew for "and I appeared,"

The parashah tells of the first seven Plagues of Egypt.

Volume 3 Parashat Bo ( Exodus 10 : 1 - 13 : 16 )

בֹּא ― in Hebrew, the command form of "go," or "come,"

The parashah tells of the last three plagues on Egypt and the first Passover.

Volume 4 Parashat Beshallach ( Exodus 13 : 17 - 17 : 16 )

בְּשַׁלַּח ― Hebrew for "when [he] let go,"

In this parashah, Pharaoh changes his mind and chases after the Israelite people with his army, trapping them at the Sea of Reeds. God commands Moses to split the sea, allowing them to pass, then closes the sea back upon the Egyptian army. There are the miracles of manna and clean water. The nation of Amalek attacks and the Israelite people are victorious.

Volume 5 Parashat Yitro ( Exodus 18 : 1 - 20 : 26 )

יִתְרוֹ, Hebrew for the name "Jethro,"

The parashah tells of Jethro's organizational counsel to Moses and God's revelation of the Ten Commandments to the Israelites at Mount Sinai.

Volume 6 Parashat Mishpatim ( Exodus 21 : 1 - 24 : 18 )

מִּשְׁפָּטִים ― Hebrew for "laws,"

The parashah sets out a series of laws, which some scholars call the Covenant Code. It reports the people's acceptance of the covenant with God.

Volume 7 Parashat Terumah ( Exodus 25 : 1 - 27 : 19 )

תְּרוּמָה ― Hebrew for "gift" or "offering,"

The parashah tells of God's instructions to make the Tabernacle and its furnishings.

Volume 8 Parashat Tetzaveh ( Exodus 27 : 20 - 30 : 10 )

תְּצַוֶּה ― Hebrew for "you command,"

The parashah reports God's commands to bring olive oil for the lamp, make sacred garments for the priests, conduct an ordination ceremony, and make an incense altar.

Volume 9 Parashat Ki Tissa ( Exodus 30 : 11 - 34 : 35 )

כִּי תִשָּׂא ― Hebrew for "when you take,"

The parashah tells of building the Tabernacle, the incident of the Golden calf, the request of Moses for God to reveal God's Attributes, and how Moses became radiant.

Volume 10 Parashat Vayakhel ( Exodus 35 : 1 - 38 : 20 )

וַיַּקְהֵל – Hebrew for "and he assembled,"

The parashah tells of the making of the Tabernacle and its sacred vessels.

Volume 11 Parashat Pekudei ( Exodus 38 : 21 - 40 : 38 )

פְקוּדֵי ― Hebrew for "amounts of,"

The parashah tells of the setting up of the Tabernacle.


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