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Writer's picture石川尚寛(Naohiro Ishikawa)

The Old Testament's Pentateuch of Moses, for everyone, plain and simple.Bereshit / Genesis: The To

The Old Testament's Pentateuch of Moses, for everyone, plain and simple.

Bereshit / Genesis: The Torah With Graphic Storytelling, Volume 6 Parashat Toledot (Genesis 25:19–28:9)

The parashah tells of the conflict between Jacob and Esau, Isaac's passing off his wife Rebekah as his sister, and Isaac's blessing of his sons.

Editor of this movie: Naohiro Ishikawa

The sound of this movie uses "World English Bible Audio".

"World English Bible Audio" is an audio recording of the World English Bible

by Winfred W. Henson(

World English Bible Audio


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