Bemidbar/ Numbers: The Torah With Graphic Storytelling, Volume 4 Parashat Shelach ( Numbers 13 : 1 - 15 : 41 )
שְׁלַח or שְׁלַח-לְךָ ― Hebrew for "send", "send to you", or "send for yourself"
The parashah tells the story of the twelve spies sent to assess the promised land, commandments about offerings, the story of the Sabbath violator, and the commandment of the fringes (צִיצִת, tzitzit).
Amazon Kindle
Editor of this movie: Naohiro Ishikawa
The sound of this movie uses "World English Bible Audio".
"World English Bible Audio" is an audio recording of the World English Bible
by Winfred W. Henson( )
World English Bible Audio
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